HDCleaner 2.051 instal the last version for windows
HDCleaner 2.051 instal the last version for windows

You can install this module with the cmdlet Install-Module AzureADPreview If you are looking for the MSOL-Settings cmdlets to manage groups settings for Unified Groups, these are now available in the newer Azure AD PowerShell V2 Public Preview module, which can be found in the Powershell Gallery for the Azure AD Preview module. The MSOnline Public Preview release is no longer available for download. You can install the module with the Install-Module cmdlet: Install-Module MSOnline The easiest way to install the module is from the PowerShell Gallery. NET Framework and Windows PowerShell: Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2008 R2.

HDCleaner 2.051 instal the last version for windows

The Azure AD Module is supported on the following Windows operating systems with the default version of Microsoft. We advise customers who are creating new PowerShell scripts to use the newer module instead of this module.

HDCleaner 2.051 instal the last version for windows

Please note that we will begin to deprecate this module when the functionality of this module is available in the newer Azure Active Directory PowerShell for Graph module. This topic includes information about how to install these cmdlets for use with your directory. You can use the Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Azure AD administrative tasks such as user management, domain management and for configuring single sign-on.

HDCleaner 2.051 instal the last version for windows